Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Poster of the Week

Viva la Lucha Antiimperialista
Offset, circa 2011
South America, possibly Venezuela

Long live the Struggle against Imperialism 
Internationalist and Proletarian Solidarity

CSPG’s Poster of the Week commemorates Hugo Chávez (1954-2013), President of Venezuela since 1999. Chávez died March 5, 2013, after two years of battling cancer.  He was 58. In this Ecuadoran poster he is shown in the center of past and current heroes of the Latin American left:

Bottom:  Current heroes, L-R
Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador
Raúl Castro, President of Cuba
Hugo Chávez, President of Venezuela
Evo Morales, President of Bolivia
Fidel Castro, former President of Cuba  (1976 to 2008)

Top:  Past heroes, L-R:
Che Guevara, Salvador Allende, Simon Bolivar and José Martí

Chávez promoted participatory democracy, the nationalization of several key industries, increased government funding of health care and education, and significant reductions in poverty.  He introduced a system of worker-managed cooperatives, as well as a program of land reform. He was instrumental in creating the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA), including Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. ALBA is the progressive alternative to the U.S. dominated Organization of American States (OAS).  Chávez was lauded by many for his anti-imperialism and his efforts to aid the poor. For these same reasons, he was reviled by the rich and powerful.

For an informative article on Hugo Chavez and his role in Venezuelan history, see:

Hugo Chavez

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